
Back on Track — 5 Comments

  1. Pam, all I can say is you have nothing to feel embarrassed about. 5 or 10 minutes here or there is excellent… You’re writing, and that’s what matters. I’m standing up here and applauding! 😀

    The Rocks and Water scene sound interesting – why do you think it’s slow going to get to it? Could you just start writing it and then work backwards to fill in the gap?

    Anyway, I wish you all the best for the coming week – whether you write for 5 or 10 minutes at a time or manage to nab some more quality time. 🙂

    • The scene was a long way into the book and I had to get through some stuff to get the characters there physically as well as mentally. There were a lot of words to write and little time/energy unfortunately. Now that I’ve reached it (see this week’s post), will have to see if I will slump into the same rut!

  2. I know that feeling. It can be painful having a scene to get to and finding your character dragging their heels to get there (although in my case it’s normally a structural hole that’s causing the problems)Glad you feel like you’re getting somewhere though. Good Luck, and thanks for leaving a comment on my post too.

  3. Welcome back!

    I have so many different things on the go, I never really considered the benefit of devoting even ten minutes to working on my fiction. That would be doable pretty much any day. Thanks for the unintentional inspiration. 🙂

    And all the best as you get back into the swing of things.

    • Glad I was able to help Steph. Yes I’ve written about it elsewhere on this blog, because it is usually the only kind of writing I can manage at the moment. It’s especially good if you are stuck in the doctor’s waiting room or somewhere like that – a notebook and pen means these ‘down times’ are not actually wasted.