I Won!

NaNoWriMo 2013 Winner badge
Well, things have been hectic or I would’ve posted this sooner but after sometimes falling behind with my word count and then catching up, I finally passed the 50,000 word mark on NaNo last Tuesday, 26th November. Didn’t even know till the next evening when I got round to typing up my previous two days’ writing, scribbled in a notebook, and then found out it was quite a bit more than I had thought. So I verified my win and carried on with a smaller word count each day, just so I could fulfil my goal of writing every day in NaNo.
So pleased – NaNo was a really positive experience this year. Still feeling the warm glow of achievement even over a week later. I haven’t finished the second novel – the first 10,000 or so words were finishing the one I did on NaNo last year – and I have loads more historical research to do, but just being able to write every day, to push through problems that were holding me back on this book and resolve character queries and issues has been a wonderful boost and helped me get back my writing mojo. There is truly a lot to do on the first novel too, to make secondary characters memorable, to make the basic situation in the second half of the book more believable and to add conflict between the two major characters, but I know I’ll be able to do that on second draft.
Sadly I’ve had to back off the writing since 30 November as Christmas preparations have now taken over with present wrapping, taking stuff to the post office and trying to get the last elusive pressies for people.
So if ROW80 is not finishing the current quarter until end of December, I’m going to have to come up with a short term and not too demanding goal having done the biggie. Still thinking about that.
Here are the latest ROW80 entries:
It is funny how you never realize how much you wrote when you write by hand. While sometimes it’s not as much as I’d hoped, more often I’m pleasantly surprised.
(Good luck for keeping December under control)
Yay! Congratulations on the win! Glad you got a good boost out of it.
I love it when a NaNo comes together!
I wish you the joy of completion, the wonder of the season, and a perfect goal to cap off the year! =D
Congrats on completing NaNo! One of these years, I’ll actually sign up.
Have a wonderful Christmas season.