January Blues or Something?

Lynn Greyling’s Clouds in Blue at Sundown public domain image
As grovelling apologies are probably irritating, suffice to say life got in the way during January and I’ve only just started writing last weekend when I finally did some tidying up on the first draft of the novel I completed during NaNo. That reminded me of the large amount of factual stuff that needs tackling which includes working out the climate, the rainfall pattern and how easy it is to make leather armor! So that needs some serious time and thought.
Despite that, I did manage a few hours of tidying and tightening the second half of the novel, that is the part written for last year’s NaNo. So my ROW80 goal for whatever is left of this period is just to get back to it and get SOMETHING done!
Anyway, here are the latest ROW80 posts:
Congrats on getting back into it, Pam! I think January was a hard month for a lot of people. A lot going on, crazy weather, etc., etc.
Question about your novel: Do you like doing the research? You mentioned you need to figure out climate, rainfall, what it takes to make leather armor (which I have to say, already gets me interested in your story!)…I see how it’s necessary, but I cringe whenever I have to do that kind of stuff. It feel so tedious to me, but maybe you can give me some pointers on how to make it less so?
Hi Sione. It’s a funny thing about research. Years ago I used to get really into it and spend far too much time reading up on historical stuff. Now I’m a bit more impatient and just want to find out the facts that I need for the story.
So I’m not sure I have the answer on how to make it less tedious. I think though I’ll make it more organised by writing out the specific questions that need answering for this book and tick each off as the answer is discovered.
Good luck with the next ROW80 week anyway!
Steady progress, one day at a time. We will get there!
Yes we certainly shall! Thanks for dropping by.