NaNoWriMo is Working
Yes, I know I’ve done it again but I have a very good reason for not posting anything on this blog – I have been writing every day on NaNo and am climbing the last uphill slog towards the finish, having passed 48K. NaNo has been a useful discipline, which I hoped it would be.
I finished the first draft of my WIP in the first 11,000 words and plunged straight into working on another idea that has been parked for a lot of years. I will need to do a lot more historical research to flesh it out fully, but it’s still been useful to be able to get the first 30K or so underway. In the month leading up to NaNo, I thought about this novel a lot and finally worked out a major character motivation problem I’d been having with it, which had stopped me doing more with it earlier. So long live NaNo!
Wow, congrats on all the words! That’s fabulous. Maybe I’ve been blogging too much … *g*