Finally Did It!
After a mammoth concentrated effort, I finally managed to post my first ever Squidoo lens! I am so so pleased to have finally done this given the interface which is not WYSIWYG so it turns out to be laid out a bit differently when you finally publish, and the messing about with HTML to try to position pictures and captions. There are still some minor glitches in that area but it is so much better than I thought it would be last week.
So here are my revised goals again for ROW80:
Get my characters to the Rocks and Water scene that I wrote some years ago.
Get together a submission package for a publisher who still accepts unagented submissions.
Finish and publish a Squidoo lens
Now that I have met number 3, I need to add a new one I’ve acquired which is to get together a package for a workshop I’m going to be attending. That one should have been on the list all along but got pushed to the back of my mind with everything else that’s going on.
Right, here are the links to the blogs of the other ROW80 participants:
Well done on the lens! And best of luck for the goals next week. X