Egging Myself On … and Not Fooling Myself

Photo Credit: Johan Larsson via Compfight cc
Well it’s been a pretty positive Easter holiday. Finally went through the notes from the book doctor at the Writers’ Workshop Getting Published day and applied those to the Green Magic synopsis, covering letter and Chapter 1 (plus handled the knock on effects on scenes in Chapters 2 and 3 as well).
Then, worked on getting that other novel’s synopsis down to a page. What a painful exercise. But got there in the end, and did a covering letter. Now need to print all that off plus the first 3 chapters, and read it through carefully, as the submission needs to be hard copy. But am feeling positive about making progress on a long held goal.
So my goals for ROW80 round 2 are:
- Get the novel submitted (to the publisher that still accepts unagented submissions)
- Work on my WIP and get the characters to the ‘Rocks and Water’ scene
And here is the first set of blogs for round 2:
Good luck on your goals, Pam! And congrats on the one page synopsis. I know how hard that is. Next, sales blurb! *g*