
A Goal Done … Almost — 4 Comments

  1. Best of luck Pam with your submission to the publisher – hope you get a very positive reply. There really are so many things that can eat into writing time but I’ve found social media (Twitter) to be a great way to meet lots of friendly and supportive writers from all around the world and as long as you limit yourself to a certain amount of time spent tweeting etc. then it’s manageable to fit both into your life.

    • Thanks Kate. I have Twitter on my to do list because I have heard that there’s a good writing community available.

  2. That sounds like an exciting goal to attain – congratulations!

    I set many goals, because I like to flit between things, and always have something new to dive into.

    Sometimes I abandon some along the way, and I often change them as the round goes on and my needs change.

    May you complete many more goals, in the future!

    • Thanks Shan, I usually end up adding goals during the quarter, doing those and not getting the main one done! So I’m trying not to add too many right now.