NaNoWriMo is Working
Yes, I know I’ve done it again but I have a very good reason for not posting anything on this blog – I have been writing every day on NaNo and am climbing the last uphill slog towards the finish, … Continue reading →
Yes, I know I’ve done it again but I have a very good reason for not posting anything on this blog – I have been writing every day on NaNo and am climbing the last uphill slog towards the finish, … Continue reading →
Well, that was a long while, but no excuses. Have actually done some work on the WIP since, several chapters in fact, although things ground to a halt a couple of months back. However, with NaNoWriMo now under way, I … Continue reading →
Tootle-tootle-too! and other triumphant trumpeting noises. Sorry, don’t normally blow my own trumpet, but I am so so pleased that I finally reached ‘Rocks and Water’ as I call it, the scene written in 2007, and have even written the … Continue reading →
Well, after some problems getting on with the WIP and only doing the odd bit of 10 minute or even 5 minute writing here and there, I have finally managed some quality time today. I have only written a bit … Continue reading →
OK, it’s time to launch Round 3 of ROW80. I won’t beat myself up with recriminations about how little was achieved in Round 2, but will just state one simple goal: Progress towards and reach the ‘Rocks and Water’ scene. … Continue reading →
Finally sat down for 10 minutes over a recent lunchtime and scribbled down a scene on a couple of sides of a shorthand notepad. Last night I typed that up with a sense of satisfaction. Despite not having touched the … Continue reading →
Yes, there is still a place for the humble notebook. I’ve written elsewhere on here about how the way the brain is wired, how the act of writing with the hand can break through blocks and connect to your subconscious. … Continue reading →
Bit late posting this, as life has been hectic, but the good thing to report is that I finally got back to the WIP and got my characters back on the road and heading towards the situation that will lead … Continue reading →
Well it’s been a pretty positive Easter holiday. Finally went through the notes from the book doctor at the Writers’ Workshop Getting Published day and applied those to the Green Magic synopsis, covering letter and Chapter 1 (plus handled the … Continue reading →
Well, it wasn’t an entirely successful three months. On the positive side, I did get a few interim goals done, the kind that kept cropping up during the period. I just didn’t make much headway on the main goal, progressing … Continue reading →