
Building an Author Platform — 3 Comments

  1. Yeah, the weighing of the time suck of social media for promotion against the time needed to write is pretty much a constant battle for indie authors (and traditional too these days). Good luck in finding what works for you!

  2. Good luck with Twitter. I still haven’t gotten the hang of it. I tweet my blog posts, some cool instagram pictures that I take, and geocaches that I find. The geocache tweets have gotten the most followers–other geocachers, of course. I’m not sure it adds a lot to SF and Fantasy writing/marketing, but I could be wrong.

  3. I’ve spent too much time on social media the last two days, but managed to get a lot of other work done too so I think everything is going okay for now. Blogging as a career took over my writing time years ago. The money was so much easier than getting a publishing contract. But I’m going to try to get my novels edited and published… I want them to be read and enjoyed.