public domain, Pixabay, by MabelAmber
Well it’s been a while though I have been working on a number of books which are at different stages. Until October I was busy with researching and then producing the print version of The Reluctant Hero which was published then on KDP, using the print service which replaced CreateSpace. (Link to the UK edition
here.) I also had the cover slightly updated to include the series title.
During lockdown it occurred to me that a book I wrote back in the 1990s, Green Magic, had been overtaken by events – not only does it include the issue of mass migration and refugees trying to escape from disaster, it also deals with a worldwide pandemic, though I hadn’t called it that, which has a lifechanging result for those who survive. I decided to restore it to the original 1990s setting (I had updated it for technological and other changes over the years) to make it clearly an alternative history. I have been working on that over the last few months. I believe it is now possible to publish to Apple without an Apple computer so need to investigate that.
As well as that, I’ve done some work on a couple of other fictional works that I’ve been circulating around my critique group for feedback. I also did an online interview on the E-Author Resources site – my thanks to Vincent Lowry –
you can find this here.
So the revised list of to-dos is as follows:
- Complete the re-edit of Green Magic – partway through
- Publish on KDP (Kindle version)
- Publish on Kobo and possibly Draft2Digital unless another platform offers itself for the other platforms especially Apple.
- Get some ISBNs for my pen name, as Green Magic is one of my contemporary supernatural novels – will need one for the epub format version.
- Continue to circulate another novel to the critique group.
Those nice people at ROW80 are now posting updates on the Facebook group