Camping out under the Writerly Stars
It’s that time again as April commences – CampNaNoWriMo. I’ve joined a cabin with a couple of other writers I know, with the intent of really getting down to the edit. I’ve done a bit more in the past week; another couple of chapters slowly edited.
Took time out to do a review on a submission for the email writers’ group to which I belong, and also finally got round to setting up a Twitter account. I went through the chapter in Catherine Ryan Howard’s book, Self-PrintedThe Sane Person’s Guide to Self-Publishing (3rd Edition), for advice on how to use Twitter as a writer, and I am getting to grips, though some of the symbols used in people’s Tweets are pretty esoteric. I’ve also had to impose some order via Lists and mute one group to keep it out of my feed as it was another one of those link drop ones for indie books; had to do the same with a similar one on Facebook. If I feel those are no value going forward, I’ll stop following them.
Social media does eat into writing time and is a big distraction, so I am going to have to be tough with myself. Hopefully the past couple of days have been the exception as I get to grips with Twitter and regular posting on Facebook. On the plus side, I’ve cut down on Goodreads a bit, though I am posting regular reviews as I’m still motoring through old paperbacks.
I’ve come across some interesting articles this week: How to Write a Blurb and an older article which still has resonance The Myth of Book Promoters. Definitely true that there are a lot of people out there wanting to make money out of self-publishers. I had hardly been on Twitter five minutes when a couple of book promotion companies decided to follow me. It’s spooky how they find you when you have hardly started tweeting, and nothing particularly noticeable, just a few practice tweets.
So the goals – progress and updated:
- Complete the novel edit by end March – OK, didn’t manage that. Reached the end of what is effectively the first half of the novel.
- Work out how to format a Kindle book including the front and end pages and what to put in those – more to follow up on that.
- Complete the novel edit by end April using CampNaNoWriMo as motivation
No ROW80 update this time, as I’ve already posted for the last one this round and Round 2 does not start until 4 April.