Spring Shoots
Well, a gap in the progress log again, but despite the lack of blogging about it, there has been some progress since my last post. Firstly, I’ve been carrying on with the ‘final’ edit of the WIP. Secondly, I have … Continue reading →
Well, a gap in the progress log again, but despite the lack of blogging about it, there has been some progress since my last post. Firstly, I’ve been carrying on with the ‘final’ edit of the WIP. Secondly, I have … Continue reading →
Some progress over the last week or so. I completed the read-through to the end of the novel and embarked on creation of the fourth ebook version for a final read-through before approaching pro editors. I used the process I … Continue reading →
Well, only the second post of the year; already falling into bad habits! I just seem to be doing so much and not having a lot to show. But there is progress, in small stages. I’ve been working on the … Continue reading →
After the whole Christmas and New Year thing, it’s taking a while for energy levels to get back to normal as far as writing goes. Lots of distractions still keep appearing and I’ve only managed to edit another two chapters since … Continue reading →
Do you know that feeling when there are too many things to do and not enough hours in the day? Yep, that’s been the trouble here, for the last few months in particular, hence no posting on this blog, though … Continue reading →
Since the last post I’ve been busy, so busy I’ve had no time to blog about what I’ve been doing. First off, I completed CampNaNo well ahead of the target which I had revised a couple of times but couldn’t … Continue reading →
Or not as the case may be … I’ve joined a cabin for July CampNaNoWriMo and set myself a modest initial target as I did in April. Although I should exceed it, I don’t think I’ll be able to manage … Continue reading →
Since my previous update, I’ve continued using the text-to-speech method of editing and I’m finding it more and more valuable. It has shown up three typos so far, but its main use as before is in making it obvious where … Continue reading →
I was recently asked by Eden Mabee, in a comment on my recent progress, what I was referring to when I said I had been disappointed to discover issues caused by missing features when compiling in Scrivener for Windows; features … Continue reading →
This account of my writing progress has slipped for a while, mainly because I’ve been so busy writing and also learning how to create ebooks! The last time I blogged, I had just entered a couple of short story comps. … Continue reading →